Kopetz, Hermann. Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications. Springer; 2nd ed. 2011 edition. ISBN 978-1441982360 (A comprehensive treatment of the subject)
Gomaa, Hassan. Real-Time Software Design for Embedded Systems. Cambridge University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-1107041097 (Focus on systems engineering aspects)
Buttazzo, Giorgio C. Hard Real-Time Computing Systems: Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications Springer; 3rd ed. 2011 edition. (book webpage)
McConnell, Steve. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction. Microsoft Press; 2nd edition (June 19, 2004). ISBN 978-0735619678
T. Harrison, D. Levine, and D.C. Schmidt, The Design and Performance of a Real-time CORBA Event Service, ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, October 1997. (Critique 1)
C. Wang, C. Gill and C. Lu, Real-Time Middleware for Cyber-Physical Event Processing, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, Special Issue on Real-Time Aspects in Cyber-Physical Systems, 3(3), Article 29, August 2019.
Y. Zhang, C. Lu, C. Gill, P. Lardieri and G. Thaker, Middleware Support for Aperiodic Tasks in Distributed Real-Time Systems, IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'07), April 2007. (Critique 2)
C. Lu, A. Saifullah, B. Li, M. Sha, H. Gonzalez, D. Gunatilaka, C. Wu, L. Nie and Y. Chen, Real-Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Special Issue on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(5): 1013-1024, May 2016. (Critique 3)
C. Wang, C. Gill, and C. Lu, FRAME: Fault Tolerant and Real-Time Messaging for Edge Computing, IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2019, pp. 976-985
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Please reflect on the university’s motto: Sincerity, Integrity, Diligence, Simplicity. Anyone found to be cheating or helping someone else cheat will receive zero score for that assignment.
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